Friday, October 9, 2009

The little things

As the saying goes, its the little things in life that matter the most. When things start to get too thick, it's easy to lose sight of this. In times of high stress I tend to turn inward. Shutting everything and everybody out. When your a mother this is where things tend to get sticky. Where do you find the balance between taking care of yourself and taking care of your children? They tend to be all consuming when it comes to your time.

I will be the first to admit that lately I've been lacking in the "mother of the year" category. My patience is worn, temper is quick and moods are all over the place. It doesn't make for a very consistent environment, and that can be disastrous when going through a divorce with children.

I've found that every now and then, I need a reminder that it's the little things that count.

The other night I was trying to get my two girls to sleep but my 18 month old was having non of it. I had her on one side of me acting like a monkey that just downed a Red Bull and my 4 year old on the other side of me being quiet for a change. After I got the baby to finally settle down, all was peaceful again but I was still agitated.

Then my older daughter reached over and lightly put her hand on my arm. I said "I love you baby". She responded by saying "I love you. I love you and daddy both".

Oh to be put in your place by a 4 year old. It's something that everybody should experience at least once in their lifetime. When she did this, it said many things to me all at the same time. Foremost is that she knows her world is changing and the two most important people in her life don't like each other very much right now. Next, she wanted me to know of her love for the both of us and she was giving me comfort with her little hand. Then the realization came that I have to snap out of it. This is bigger than me, bigger than him. The fate of these three angels could forever be changed if we don't do this right. I say we, but I can only control my own actions during this ordeal.

Her touch and those few words were the kick in the pants that I needed to readjust my perspective and put my focus back where it belongs. Not on all that is wrong, but all that is right. It really, truly is the little things in life that matter the most.